Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ponownie lista

Ja lubie listy, ta akurat ukradlam od Malin i tu macie jej pierwsza czesc.

I’m shorter than 165cm [] 172cm
Sometimes I think I’m ugly [x]
Sometimes I think I’m the worlds greathest [x]
I get tanned easy[x]
I would like my hair to be another color.[]
I have friends that have never seen my real hair-color []
I’m a big sister []
I’m a little sister []

I have a tatoo [x] I have 2 :)
I’m unsecure about my looks[ ]
I have had braises []
I have eye-glases/contact lences [x]
I would make some plastic surgery if it would be safe and free [x]
A total stranger have told me that I’m hot [x]
I have more than 2 piercings []
I have piercings on other places on my body than my ears [x] belly-button
I have freckles[]

I have sworn at my parents [x]
I’ve run-away from home [x ]
I’ve been thrown out from home [ ]
My biological parents are together[x]
I have siblings that are under 1 year old []
I want to have kids some day [x] –NOT SOOON
I have kids [ ]

I’m studing [x]
I’m working []
I’ve fallen asleep at school/work []
I’ve missed more than one week of school [x]
I’ve stolen something from my school/work []
I’ve got fired []

I’ve said *lol* in a real conversation []
I still cry to Disney movies [x] – who wouldn’t to like Lion King?!
I’ve laughed so much I peed my pants []
I’ve made weird pig-sounds while laughing []
I’ve laughed so much I’d started to cry [x ]
I watch movies/read books, that I would never admit [ ]
I’ve glued my hand to something []
I’ve laughed so much until some drink came up out of my nose [x]
My pants have cracked on a public place []

I’ve totally mad a fool of myself in a public place [x] maybe not totally, but sure
I’ve been stuck with my tongue to a lamppost [ ]

I’ve totally yelled-off someone that was innocent [x]

3majcie Sie!
To Tylko Vicky
Chcesz sie ze mna skontaktowac? tylkovicky@hotmail.com

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