Monday, November 29, 2010


Bym byla wdzieczna jeżeli byście mogli mi pomoc i wejścć w linka Bangerhead w moim poscie -> na blogu, gdyż mierza mi traffic z tego linka przez najblizsze dni. Dalej siedze w Szczecinie. Dzięki z góry!

Buziak,To Tylko Vicky
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kofi wygrał pierwsze zawody PŚ 2010/11

I bardzo sie z tego względu ciesze :) Należało mu się :) Morgi był drugi a Simi trzeci.
żaden Gregor ani Morgi jak to każdy se myśi, czas przyszedł na Kofiego...i to nareście :)
Niewiem czy pamietacie lub czy wogóle widzieliście ten o to wywiad który z nim robiłam dla Berkutschi w Oslo.

Inna nowość to że David Zauner jednak ma zerwane wiązadło w lewym kolanie, lecz nie będzie on raczej poddawał się operacji.

Buziak,To Tylko Vicky
Chcesz sie ze mna skontaktowac?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Archiwum Skokowe - cz. 1

Niedawno znów koleżanka mi przesłała linka ze starego bloga który był prowadzony pare lat temu. Pamiętam że była dosyć duża afera z niego, nie tylko u lasek ale również ze strony skoczkó i trenerów gdyż wszyctcy go czytali. I gdyz ludzie co byli w domu mogli się dowiedzieć dokładnie (oczywiście dużo rzeczy w tych postach było powymyślane i wkurwiająco, no ale cóż) co się działo.

Teraz śmieje się z tych wpisów i stwierdziłam że wam je pokaże.

Next stop Pragelato

Or really it was Courchevel, but if something was going on there it sue stayed between the 4 hotel walls.

In Pragelato the guys were spilted into 2 hotels, the most of them were in the new built hotel by the hill and some teams a couple of kilometers away in another. The only story going on is about Denis Kornilov and a girl. The rumor says that he didn’t sleep in his hotel-room and when he returned he didn’t had his jacket/vest with him.

Do you know anything? Comment!

Posted by Ski Girls Jumping in 21:45:06 | Permalink | Comments (2)

2 Responses to “Next stop Pragelato”

  1. Anonymous says:

    yeah thats right. denis’s jacket stayed in italy when he left…

  2. Anonymous says:

    What kind of girl she was? What did she look like??

Hinterzarten the beginning of the Summer Grand Prix

Was it just me or was this years competition quite calm? Don’t know if you remembered the pictures that some people publiced of som halfnaked finns in their hotel-room togheter with a couple of chics? Was there any drama this year accept that the blonde girl Vicky got a drink over her head? (By the way – if you don’t know her there is her blog – Anyone tha know who did this? Or saw this?

There was a girl hanging on Stefan Read for two nights, but they never did anything from what I heard hat people saw. another girl was running after him too, she looked desperate, he didn’t look interested.

Young germans were there; Kevin Horlacher, Felix Schoft, then Maximilian Mechler who by the way stood with a brunette bigger part of the night, this brunette ended her night together with Mathias Hafele by the way.

Gatsch had his birthday one of the nights, they spent the evening at Francos, rumors say that they left quite early and that the party kept on going in a hotel room with a participation of Herbert from the austrian team and some girls, how much of this is true we don’t know.

Harri Olli was seen on the street with a blonde girl, that he have been seen with before for egzample in Planica.

The swedes left the Zelt on Saturday, and not much later Vicky and her girlfriends were gone too, you could later see them in Francos, about 3 O’clock they left Francos togheter with the guys.

The last night there where no ski jumpers left (mayby 2 guys from Belarus – Maxim Anisimov for sure… they left with 3 girls, went to the hotel), but a lot of groupies, there where some stories going on in the tent by Francos, unfortunatlywe couldn’t really get anything out of it, as it seemed like the talked in codes and not only in english and german.

Anyone want to add something? Write in the comments if you know something more!

Have Fun! Be bad and we will write about it.

Posted by Ski Girls Jumping in 22:19:50 | Permalink | Comments (5)
  1. Anonymous says:

    hahaha..yes, that with the drink someone spilled over Vicky’s head I’ve heard too, I find it so funny…hahaha…

  2. Sandra says:

    I see it! Damn funny!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    what’s so funny about that? you wouldn’t like it happening to you, would it? you’re just hating out of spite, maybe because you’re jealous… it’s been said through and through, but it IS pathetic of you… :/

  4. Doro says:

    Come on girls this is just ludacris! Spilling a drink over someone’s head is REALLY mean and noone should laugh about it! That’s awful! What kind of people are you?

  5. Anonymous says:

    I haven’t seen this picture of the Finns yet. Post it, please!

    And who spilt a drink over Vicky? Poor girl

Dalszą część tz. póżniejsze posty dam za pare dni.
Dalej jestem w Szczecinie.

To Tylko Vicky
Mój szwedzki blog:
Chcesz sie ze mna skontaktowac?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Moje urodziny - 18ty Listopad

Jestem w Szwecji na pare dni. Dziś są moje urodziny, ale będe je dosyć spokojnie uczcić, gdyz mam jelitową grype... W sobote wracam do Szczecina i będę tam jakoś do 8go Grudnia.

Tylko Vicky
Mój szwedzki blog:
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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Opuszczam Innsbruck

Mój ostatni tydzień w Innsbruck. Decyzja padła. nie do końca niespodziewanie. Więcej szczegół macie na Szwedzkim Blogu ->


Tylko Vicky
Mój szwedzki blog:
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Saturday, November 06, 2010

Gregor & his Girlfriend

Tak wiem, dużo pytań na temat czy Gregor Schlierenzauer ma dziewczyne. Nazywa się Sandra. Fotki ich razem macie TUTAJ.

To Tylko Vicky
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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Wsyzstkich Swietych

Bardzo mi sie podoba te swieto w Polsce, cala atmosfera, jednak juz bardzo dawno nie spedzalam go w Polsce. Tutaj w Austri, jak i w Szwecji wyglada to calkiem innaczej. Jak wy spedzalyscie week-end?

Byliscie wogole na jakis Halloween imprezach?
Ja bylam na paru jak moze widzieliscie na Szwedzkim blogu :)

Buziak,To Tylko Vicky
Moj Szwedzki Blog:
Chcesz sie ze mna skontaktowac?